From our Service Department

4100 Harvester Rd
Burlington, ON, L7L 0C1
(905) 632-5371

From our Service Department
Service Specials

Dear Customers and Friends

One of the things that is very important for peace-of-mind driving is your vehicle’s heating and cooling systems. When it’s scorching hot out there, we all want cold air on demand. So, this time of year I recommend you have an A/C performance check done and confirm that your air conditioning is operating to temperature.

Along with your comfort level, your vehicle needs to keep cool too. We recommend that we check your vehicle’s belts and hoses to ensure your antifreeze is not only flowing properly but is operating at the correct temperature in your radiator. The last thing you need on a hot summer day is to be stranded and overheated on the side of the road!

I hope you enjoy the beautiful weather and happy motoring from Halton Honda’s service team!

Domenic Almonte, Service Manager



Keep your Cool this Summer

With time and kilometers driven, your antifreeze loses its chemical properties and becomes contaminated with rust and scale deposits which reduces its effectiveness. This results in engine overheating, the #1 cause of engine breakdown.

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Your Timing Belt Questions Answered


Belts, and Pulleys, and Sprockets …oh my!

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Spring is Tire Swap Season



Pothole Season is Almost Over.
Time for a 4 Wheel Alignment Special

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As the cabin air filter in your Honda gets dirty, air flow becomes restricted and the volume and velocity of air exiting the ventilation ducts reduces. Periodic replacement of the cabin air filter is specified in the Maintenance section of your Honda’s Owner’s Manual. More frequent replacement may be necessary if you often drive in dusty conditions.



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Drop your car off the night before your appointment or before we even open! With our handy Service Kiosk, you decide when it’s convenient to leave your vehicle BEFORE your appointment.

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Published by VehicleSend on behalf of Halton Honda
Includes copyrighted material of VehicleSend and its suppliers.