Equipping a Canine Companion

4100 Harvester Rd
Burlington, ON, L7L 0C1
(905) 632-5371

Equipping a Canine Companion
Essential Outdoor Gear for Your Dog

Going on outdoor adventures with your furry friend can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to make sure they have the right gear to stay safe and comfortable. From hiking to camping to simply playing in the park, there are a few essential items that every dog owner should have on hand before heading into the great outdoors.

Collar and Tags

A collar and ID tags are a must for any dog that spends time outside. Even if your dog is well-trained and doesn’t wander off, accidents can happen. A collar with tags is the easiest way for someone to identify your dog and contact you. Make sure the collar is properly fitted and comfortable for your dog to wear.


Most parks and outdoor spaces require dogs to be leashed, so it’s important to have a sturdy and reliable leash. Think about the type of activities you’ll be doing with your dog and choose a leash that suits those needs. For example, a shorter leash may be better for hiking, while a longer leash might be better for playing in a large, open field. Consider a waist leash that allows you to go hands-free as well.


A harness (or halter) is a great alternative to a collar, especially for dogs that pull on the leash, and especially for rugged hikes. A harness distributes the weight evenly across your dog’s body, which can be more comfortable and prevent injury. They also are more difficult for a dog to squirm out of when excited.

Water Bottle and Bowl

Dogs need to stay hydrated when they’re active outdoors. Bring along a water bottle and collapsible bowl to make sure your dog has access to clean water at all times. Look for a bowl that’s lightweight and easy to pack, but still durable enough to withstand outdoor use.

First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen, so it’s a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand for your dog. Include items like bandages, gauze, antiseptic, and tweezers. Make sure you know how to use each item in the kit and keep it well-stocked.

Tick Repellent

Ticks are a common problem in many outdoor areas, and they can transmit dangerous diseases to your dog. Use a tick repellent to protect your furry friend from these pests. Look for a product that’s safe for dogs and follow the instructions carefully. When in doubt, ask your vet.

Doggy Coat

Depending on the weather and your dog’s breed, they may need a coat or sweater to stay warm and dry, even in summer. Look for a coat that’s lightweight and water-resistant. Consider the fit and comfort of the coat, and make sure it allows your dog to move freely.


If you’re going on a hike or walking on rough terrain, your dog’s paws may need protection. Booties can help protect your dog’s feet from sharp rocks, hot pavement, or cold snow. Look for booties that are breathable and have a non-slip sole.


If your dog is well-trained and capable of carrying their own gear, consider getting them a backpack. A dog backpack can hold their water, food, and other essentials. Make sure the backpack is properly fitted and comfortable for your dog to wear.

The right gear is important for keeping your furry friend safe and comfortable. Thankfully, dogs are easy to equip for the outdoors. Just pick up the essentials and you’re all set.

Published by VehicleSend on behalf of Halton Honda
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