Bunnies, Chicks, and Eggs, Oh My

4100 Harvester Rd
Burlington, ON, L7L 0C1
(905) 632-5371

Bunnies, Chicks, and Eggs, Oh My
Fun and Easy Easter Craft Ideas

Easy Easter crafts are a great way to entertain the kids on the weekends leading up to the holiday. Check out these three craft ideas that you can make with everyday supplies.

Easter crafts are always some of the most fun to make because of the bright colours and cute motifs of the holiday. These three spring-inspired crafts featuring eggs, chicks, and bunnies will get you into the season’s spirit and get the kids excited for their Easter egg hunt.

Painted Easter Egg Rocks

Before you get crafting, why not spend some time in the nice spring weather first? For this craft, you’ll want to head to a park and hunt down a handful of the smoothest, most egg-shaped rocks you can find. Then, it’s time to let your imagination loose and get painting.


  • Egg-shaped rocks
  • Paintbrushes
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint palette
  • Sealer


1. Clean the rocks you find to remove any dirt and debris. Let them dry completely.

2. Fill up your colour palette with your chosen paint colours and get painting.

3. Paint the rock a solid colour first before letting the paint dry and using other colours to create different designs on top. Let the rocks dry fully.

4. If you plan on putting the rocks outside in the garden, make sure you completely seal the paint as well.

Egg Carton Chicks Candy Holder

Nothing says spring and easter like fluffy yellow baby chicks. While this craft might not be fluffy, it sure is cute. Create your own baby chicks from an egg carton and use them as tabletop Easter decor!


  • Egg carton
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Yellow paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Construction paper
  • Black marker
  • Candy


1. Cut the individual dimples from the egg carton and trim the edges.

2. Take two pieces and attached them with a small piece of tape on the inside and the outside so they can open and close.

3. Paint the inside and the outside of the dimples yellow.

4. Glue two triangular pieces of yellow construction paper on either side of the chick for wings.

5. Glue one triangular piece of orange construction paper onto the top dimple and one on the bottom in the same location to make a beak.

6. Glue two orange triangles for feet onto the bottom of the chick.

7. Use a black marker to make two dots for the eyes.

8. Fill with candy!

Bunny Tin Pencil Holder

A pair of big ears and some googly eyes let you turn just about anything into a bunny, like this pencil holder! It will make a great addition to a child’s desk even after Easter is over.


  • Empty tin can
  • White and pink construction paper
  • White acrylic paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Small pink and white pompoms
  • Googly eyes
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun


1. Remove the label from the can and paint it white. Let it dry completely.

2. Cut out two large white ovals and two smaller pink ovals for the ears. Glue the pink paper to the white paper, then use a hot glue gun to stick them to the inside of the tin.

3. Attach a pink pompom for the nose with a dot of hot glue. Then, glue on the googly eyes.

4. Glue a white pompom onto the back for the tail!

Crafting is always a fun way to pass the time as a family. These easy, all-ages projects will have you all looking forward to the Easter bunny’s arrival.

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