Chris's Comic Corner

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Chris’s Comic Corner
Introducing One of DC’s Best Storylines

Hello readers,
We are switching over to DC this month on Chris’ Comic Corner and will be introducing one of DC’s best storylines: Green Lantern: Blackest Night.

Due to the War of Light between the Lantern Corps the universe seems to be tearing itself apart. The culmination of all the Lantern Corps coming together for battle signifies that an ancient prophecy is coming to light, one which transcends the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps, a haunting prophecy – Blackest Night.

Making matters worse, Scar, a Green Lantern, has taken a Black power ring and has started traveling the universe, raising the undead to create an army for Nekron.

Fallen allies and enemies are being brought back to life, still carrying their memories. They begin to feed on the emotions of the living in order to bring Nekron, the entity of death itself, back to the world. The threat which Nekron presents forces all the Lantern Corps to put aside their differences, as they attempt to unite together in order to fight the army of the undead.

The Green Lantern Corps, Justice League, and all of the other Lantern Corps unite in the fight to stop Nekron as he has his sights set on Earth where his target, the entity of Life is residing.

Will the heroes be able to overcome such a devastating enemy and bring upon Brightest Day, or will Nekron prevail leading to the Blackest Night?

Feel free to discuss the merits of Chris’s recommendation with Chris himself:

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