Rain Barrels 101

4100 Harvester Rd
Burlington, ON, L7L 0C1
(905) 632-5371

Rain Barrels 101
A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting up a Rainwater Collection System

Rainwater collection is an increasingly popular and eco-friendly method for conserving water and reducing dependence on municipal water supplies. One of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to start collecting rainwater is by using rain barrels. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you do just that.

Step 1: Choose Your Rain Barrel

Before you start setting up your rainwater collection system, you need to decide on the type of rain barrel that is right for you. Rain barrels come in various sizes, styles, and materials, and you can purchase them from home improvement stores or online retailers. Alternatively, if you have some DIY skills, you can even build your own rain barrel using a food-grade plastic drum or barrel.

Step 2: Select the Location

The location of your rain barrel is critical to its effectiveness. Choose a location that is close to a downspout and away from your home’s foundation. The ground should be level and stable, and you may want to elevate the barrel on cinder blocks or a platform to increase water pressure. Additionally, consider the aesthetics of your chosen location, since rain barrels come in a variety of colours and designs.

Step 3: Install a Diverter

To direct the rainwater into your rain barrel, you will need to install a diverter on your downspout. A diverter is a device that fits on the downspout and diverts water into the rain barrel when it’s full. You can purchase a diverter from a hardware store or online.

Step 4: Connect Your Rain Barrel

After installing the diverter, connect your rain barrel to the downspout using a flexible downspout extender or PVC pipe. Make sure to install a screen over the top of your rain barrel to prevent debris and insects from entering.

Step 5: Add a Spigot

Drill a hole near the bottom of your rain barrel and install a spigot (if the barrel doesn’t have one already). The spigot will allow you to easily access the water inside your rain barrel. Additionally, you can attach a hose to your spigot to water your plants and garden.

Step 6: Maintain Your Rain Barrel

Maintenance of your rain barrel is necessary to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Check your rain barrel regularly for leaks, cracks, and debris, and clean the inside of the barrel with mild detergent and water to prevent algae growth and buildup.

Step 7: Add More Rain Barrels

Once you have your first rain barrel set up and working correctly, you may want to consider adding more to increase your water storage capacity. To do this, simply connect the overflow spout of one barrel to the inlet spout of another. You can daisy-chain several barrels together to create a larger water collection system. With multiple rain barrels, you can collect even more water and do your part in conserving this precious resource.

Setting up a rainwater collection system has a host of attractive benefits you can start enjoying right away. Follow the steps outlined above to start collecting and using rainwater for a variety of purposes around your home.

Published by VehicleSend on behalf of Halton Honda
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