Tech Tip: Cabin Air Filters

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Tech Tip: Cabin Air Filters
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Why You Need To Change Your Cabin Air Filter – Now

Cabin air filters are a vital component of your vehicle’s HVAC system. It is estimated that more than half of the air you breathe while driving in a car is actually recirculated, and this includes dirt, pollen, bacteria and other pollutants. The average cabin filter can remove up to 85% of these particles from the interior air so it makes good sense to clean or change them regularly.

Cabin air filters are typically changed every 20,000 to 24,000 kilometres (at least once per year), but you should check your owner’s manual for your Honda’s specific recommendation. Our service advisors and technicians, the people who know your vehicle best, can answer your questions and provide advice but after the smoky summer we just had, changing your filter before going into the long winter months with your windows rolled up, is a good idea.

Benefits of Changing Your Cabin Air Filter

Automakers are becoming increasingly sensitive to the health and well-being of people inside and outside a vehicle, and one of the areas in which big strides have been made over the past decades is cabin filtration.

In fact, recent studies for example, showed a 12-year high for pollen counts, and though many cabin filters can filter out pollen, dust and bacteria, trapping those tiny particles also clogs up a filter and renders it less effective over time, subjecting occupants to what some people call “air filter flu,” as more harmful particles can’t be filtered out.

It’s been said that pollen and other substances can be up to six times more concentrated inside the car. For allergy sufferers or people with respiratory issues, even a little more contamination in the air can be a big deal.

HVAC System Will Run Poorly

A cabin air filter left in place beyond its life span will make a vehicle’s HVAC system work harder, which can cause the motor to burn up. Dirty or clogged cabin air filters will reduce the amount of air flowing from the vents. That affects cabin air temperature, which depends on a steady flow of air passing through the heater core, evaporator, or both components. Not changing your cabin air filter will make your HVAC system work much harder.

Poor Window Fog Clearing

Another problem that arises when airflow is compromised is that windows won’t clear as quickly. Also, the diminished air quality that comes from a cabin air filter that’s overdue to be replaced allows condensation to form on the windshield. Once the cabin air filter is replaced, there will be less fog buildup on the windshield.

What’s That Smell?

If you notice an unpleasant odour coming through the vents, it’s probably time for a filter change.

Get The Right Part

Don’t just settle for any filter. Be sure to get the filter that is made specifically for your vehicle. While generic options are available and may fit, they are not likely to perform to the standards of a Honda-recommended filter; it’s best to get the parts that Honda recommends. Our Parts Department has everything you need to ensure maximum efficiency, performance, and value.

If you are interested in having your cabin filter replaced, click the SERVICE REQUEST button below.

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Published by VehicleSend on behalf of Halton Honda
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