Time to Book a Steering Inspection?

4100 Harvester Rd
Burlington, ON, L7L 0C1
(905) 632-5371

Time to Book a Steering Inspection?
7 Common Signs of a Fault

Is your vehicle’s steering behaving strangely? If you encounter any of these seven symptoms, it’s probably time to book a service to protect your own safety and your vehicle’s health.

1) Shaking or Vibrations in the Steering Wheel

Putting aside any intentional vibrations caused by lane-departure warnings or blind-spot monitoring systems, any shaking or vibrating of the steering wheel could mean there’s a problem with the wheel alignment, one of the tires is underinflated, or the bearings between the axle and the wheel are wearing out.

However, if the problem seems to get worse when braking, it could be that the brake pads are worn, and you should book an inspection as soon as possible to ensure your vehicle is still safe to drive.

2) Steering Wheel Isn’t Naturally Centred

When you’re driving straight ahead, the steering wheel should stay centred without any effort on your part. If the wheel consistently turns to one side on a level, straight roadway, it’s likely that the wheels are out of alignment or that the suspension is slacker on one side. Having the alignment and suspension checked will not only improve safety, but it also will give fuel economy a worthwhile boost, as the engine won’t need to work as hard to keep you driving straight ahead.

3) Sideways Drift

Similarly, if the car consistently drifts to the side without the wheel being turned, it’s likely that either the wheel alignment is off or the suspension is unequally tuned. In both cases, the result will be a tendency for the car to turn slightly sideways even when the steering wheel is held firmly in the centre.

4) Ticking Noises

If your car has power steering — and most modern models do — a ticking sound coming from the steering column could signal a problem with the power steering motor. This issue should be investigated sooner rather than later, as a power steering failure at high speed risks a serious accident.

5) Flabby Steering Response

The mechanical parts in your vehicle’s steering system have a long but limited working lifespan. As they start to wear out, the steering response will become increasingly soft, flabby, and slow. Eventually, a worn part may fail completely, with potentially disastrous consequences if it happens when cruising at highway speeds.

6) Excessive Stiffness

On the other hand, if the steering suddenly starts to seem heavier and stiffer, there’s likely either a problem with the power steering motor or a fluid leak somewhere within the steering system that’s causing increased friction. Either way, an inspection by a qualified mechanic will ensure your steering remains safe while preventing further damage caused by worn parts.

7) Steering Wheel Doesn’t Turn Smoothly

Lastly, if the steering wheel doesn’t turn smoothly but seems to jump in notches instead, there are several potential causes, including a worn suspension or a damaged steering shaft. However, it could also be that an active safety system such as lane-keep assist or automatic evasive steering is malfunctioning, which could have serious consequences if it isn’t looked into and fixed.

Schedule a Service to Ensure Your Steering Safety

Reliable steering is essential for safety in any vehicle, and if yours is behaving strangely, it’s important to identify and fix the problem as soon as possible. To ensure your steering is working correctly, schedule a service by clicking on the button below.

Published by VehicleSend on behalf of Halton Honda
Includes copyrighted material of VehicleSend and its suppliers.